The newest, and best online resource for all things hotels and hospitality businesses in Scotland
HotelReview Scotland - the new wave
Hotel Review Scotland started life as a small travel review organisation of travel writers who ‘expertly’ reviewed Scottish hotels and published these reviews online on the Hotelreview website.
Some years later, HRS introduced and ran the Scottish Hotel of the Year Awards, and in 2006 became 100% owned by Cali Net Ltd, based in Perthshire.
Cali Net made the strategic decision to discontinue the Scottish Hotel of the Year Awards ceremony, preferring to focus on the on line marketing and promotion of the then m embers of HRS.
Cali Net also very quickly discovered that there was a significantly groundswell of unrest by members that their hotel reviews were not being kept up to date, and that their not unsubstantial subscriptions seemed more to be a way of ‘buying an award’ at the Scottish Hotel of the Year Awards than a way of managing, maintaining and enhancing their independently reviewed on line reputations.
The review process therefore ceased in 2009, partially as a result of these management issues, but more significantly following the inexorable growth of Trip Advisor, and latterly large OTA traveller reviews such as those of and LateRooms.c om – so that the travel shopper had in fact wrestled the review space away from both the hotelier and the independent travel writer, expert and experienced tho’ they may be, and that situation persists even more intensively and extensively today, as user generated reviews seem to be the only medium that travellers and travel shoppers, rightly or wrongly, seem prepared to trust. Hotels have therefore had to realign their reputation management policies, and hoteliers are no longer really in full control of the marketing of their own properties. Travel writers also seem to be a thing of the past and online PR and social media has taken over.
Innfinite has therefore taken over the web domain which at one time was well respected in the Scottish hotel profession, and also by travellers, and has converted it into an on line travel and news resource for hotels and hospitality businesses in Scotland, and throughout the UK. Many excellent resources exist worldwide, particularly in the US, but there was no equivalent resource focused on the UK, and particularly in Scotland.
Innfinite has a considerable array of connections with travel resources and travel experts and partners worldwide, and is now utilising this reach to allow it to present a great new on line news and views resource for UK hotels and hospitality businesses. We are in the early stages of this major development so do be patient but we hope that you are already starting to enjoy the concept and content of the site, and we also look forward to your comments on our publications, we want your feedback. On the reputation management front, the role vacated by the old HRS, we are now most privileged to have Daniel Edward Craig as a contributor.
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Featured independent hotels of quality in Scotland
Balbirnie House is a quite unique multi-award winning country house hotel which combines understated luxury with superb service and outstanding value.
Peat Inn
Winner of the AA Restaurant of the Year awards for 2010-11 at the recent AA Hospitality Awards, amongst the most prestigious national awards of their kind.
A small luxury country house hotel in Dumfries and Galloway with a glittering array of awards – 3 AA red stars, 3 AA food rosettes – and 1 Michelin star.
A classic 4 star country house hotel, 6 miles outside Aberdeen on the bank of the river Dee and a short drive from Aberdeen International Airport.
A stunning, beautifully restored, W illiam Leiper inspired 4 star ‘country house hotel by the sea’, in glorious gardens, grounds and sun facing terrace, in Troon.