The newest, and best online resource for all things hotels and hospitality businesses in Scotland
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - Your website is your digital venue - it’s the closest customers will get to visiting your physical venue without actually being there.
BookingSuite no longer offering search marketing campaign management
Rogues!! - Could reports of Airbnb blocking negative reviews hurt its transparency claims?
Hoteliers, there is no 'war' with Airbnb (amateurs, no quality/safety standards), so don't be fooled by a deluded hotel marketing media!
Our thoughts entirely - THE MILLENNIAL DELUSION - in modern hotel marketing, age stereotyping and age based targreting alone is not only just plain wrong - IT COULD COST YOU DEARLY
CHANNEL SHIFT - IN CONJUNCTION WITH OUR ECOMMERCE PARTNERS NAVARINO, INNFINITE IS THE MOST AGGRESSIVE CHANNEL SHIFT STRATEGY COMPANY IN THE UK - so contact us for more details - AND READ THIS - Hotel guests 'are being fleeced by online agents': Hoteliers say they are forced to hike prices to cover 25% commission taken by websites
Repeated negative marketing press and total lack of, or very very poor ROI from social media marketing for hotels means we are certainly not prioritising it in current marketing strategies for our client hotels is bang out of order
To the surprise of its "partners", the site ( now reserves the right to automatically resell a room that one of its customers has canceled, so as not to lose commission. They block access to the customer's bank information, so that the hotel cannot claim the forfeit for no-show. They eliminate the transmission of e-mail addresses of their customers, a ridiculous practice to avoid direct contact between the hotel and the customer. This does not characterize a relationship of trust between business partners.
Facebook - what you got for 38 bucks
Trip Advisor and Tingo - read what Max Starkov has to say
Groupon now the 8th most popular UK travel site - read more
Thoughts forthe week - visit
Article of the week - 'Social media myth just doesn't measure up'
Also - Creating value the new fashioned way
and - s social media killing the website
Our Scottish latest news, reviews and comments
We think Scotland needs its very own hospitality forum like , or, spawned in the USA, where we can share with you on a professional platform, all things Scottish travel and hotels, from industry and market news, events, feature columns, articles, advice - and Scottish hoteliers’ own news and views – in effect a professional community and a development resource.
We’ll combine this with Innfinite’s blog, already launched, at, - and our new Edinburgh hotels blog at and we’ll shortly be inviting all Scottish hoteliers, serviced accommodation providers and innkeepers to join up, and make initial contributions of the matters concerning them most about the industry in Scotland.
Advertising opportunities will be available too, and we’ll be highlighting all the major news features from around the world too which we feel have a real impact on today’s marketplace and on the performance of your business. It’s all about helping you get results, especially in the very challenging market we all face out there.
Our latest blog posts on our UK hotel blog
Get innfinite's latest thougthts and views on all the leading topics affecting the success of UK hotels, both on line and off line. Visit our blog now
Our Scottish hotel deals
Innfinite Hospitality, one of the leading full service online UK hotel solutions companies inScotland and the UK, presents its own best recommended Scottish hotels and inns, drawnfrom its own first hand experiences of the best hotels in Scotland.
Get our best value hotel deals and offers available in Scotland today, and bookable here on line with no agency or commission fees. Traveller reviews from Trip Advisor, travel writers and on line travel companies feature strongly in our suggestions.
Enjoy some tasty recommendations for hotels in England and Ireland too, and for city breaks throughout the UK.
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Hotel Deals
Great deals in just a click

Featured independent hotels of quality in Scotland
Balbirnie House is a quite unique multi-award winning country house hotel which combines understated luxury with superb service and outstanding value.
Peat Inn
Winner of the AA Restaurant of the Year awards for 2010-11 at the recent AA Hospitality Awards, amongst the most prestigious national awards of their kind.
A small luxury country house hotel in Dumfries and Galloway with a glittering array of awards – 3 AA red stars, 3 AA food rosettes – and 1 Michelin star.
A classic 4 star country house hotel, 6 miles outside Aberdeen on the bank of the river Dee and a short drive from Aberdeen International Airport.
A stunning, beautifully restored, W illiam Leiper inspired 4 star ‘country house hotel by the sea’, in glorious gardens, grounds and sun facing terrace, in Troon.